Do you remember when MOOCs (massive open online courses) were all the rage? They are still around and I came across one from Stanford University called Reading to Learn in Science. This course is running now and goes until the end of May. The great things about MOOCs is that you get from it what you put and you don't have to feel guilty about not completing the whole thing because they are free! The course is designed to address such concerns, giving teachers the tools to help students read for understanding in science. With NGSS, CCLS and any other new standards you state or district might be adopting, reading in science is key. Students must know how to do things like cite evidence or support/critique an argument.
If you think that this course is for you, I suggest you check it and get registered. Even if you aren't sure, I would still register so that you have access to the information and can always go back to it later.
If you think that this course is for you, I suggest you check it and get registered. Even if you aren't sure, I would still register so that you have access to the information and can always go back to it later.